We’re Back!

When we shut our doors back in December 2014, we had no idea when we’d be back. It took months of debating what to do – whether to sell Acclaimed Industries P/L, whether to leave it dormant and hope for the best, whether to turf the whole thing and start something new… The options were many, but one thing was for sure – if we didn’t do it now, we never would. We bit the bullet and into the unknown we sailed.

Since then, Alita and I have been through a lot, and it’s been a blast! We climbed to Everest Base Camp, and delivered humanitarian aid to Nepalese villages after the Earthquakes of April 2015; We drove a convertible across Germany, went cliff jumping in Vietnam and swam in a near-frozen Lake in Central Norway; We worked on farms in Laos, and in Villas in Italy; and we met some incredible people from all over the world along the way.

We have had an adventure we will never forget, and while we barely scratched the surface of what we intended to, we are excited to come home and get back to building our company. We have some ambitious plans for the future of our little company, and we are returning with a stronger focus on delivering massive value to our clients, than we have ever had before.

Exciting times are ahead and we are super pumped to be starting this new chapter with you. We will be open for business from October 4th, and will be returning to our regular schedules from October 19th, 2015.

Rental Inspection Tips From Experts

When I was 21, I’d been living in my Adelaide apartment for two years when I decided it was time to move on. I’d been a model tenant: I always paid my rent on time, and always kept my humble abode as clean and tidy as I could. But when it came time to leave the property, I was overwhelmed with the hoops my property manager insisted I jumped through to get my bond returned in full.

At one point or another, most of us have been in a similar position – apprehensive of that inspection date, hoping that we really have been the good tenant we thought we were. Between moving all your things into a new property and doing all you can to look like a perfect tenant, the process can be quite a taxing one.

Most of this stress can be avoided with a good understanding of how these inspections work, and knowing what is (and isn’t) expected of you. We built our business cleaning for the real estate industry, and in the past six years, we have cleaned thousands of properties, for both tenants and agents, so we know a thing or two about End of Lease Cleaning.

With the Australian property market making it increasingly difficult to own and maintain your own home, more and more Australians are choosing to rent for longer, and as such, it helps to know the ins and outs of renting. In this post, we have outlined a few key tips which will help you pass your inspection with flying colours if you’re staying; to get your bond back if you’re leaving; and of course ensure your rental record remains spotless.

1. Follow the Rental Checklist

Needless to say, most blemishes on rental references come from properties which have been left unclean. Each landlord or agency is unique, and therefore no one can give you a checklist that covers all bases. With that said, most agencies will provide you with a comprehensive cleaning checklist which should outline exactly what they require from you when then notify you of your inspection. Many of these checklists however, will include items which most people would rarely attend to on their regular cleaning schedule: Some will require you to clean windows, light fittings, the oven, range hood, and exhaust fans, for example, while others won’t even mention them. It’s up to you to pay attention and ensure all required items are cleaned. Download the AMS End of Lease Cleaning Checklist here.

2. Don’t Leave it to the Last Minute

Having someone come into your home and ‘assess’ your living conditions is intrusive enough – the worst thing you can do is leave it to the last minute, but it’s an easy mistake to make. If you’re vacating the property, the final clean should be left until the property is empty, so try to organise a buffer period where you can move your furniture and belongings into your new property a few days before the final inspection of your existing property, that way you will give yourself breathing room and won’t need to rush your final clean, so if you run into problems – or if you just find that it’s all too much and you want to hire professionals – you have time to take care of it. It’s also worth noting that good cleaning companies will often be booked at least a week in advance, so if you’re looking to hire professionals to clean for your inspection, try to arrange this as soon as you know when your inspection date. Want us to do it for you? Book Here.

3. Clean and Tidy

There’s clean, and then there’s clean and presentable. There’s a big difference. If you’re vacating, it’s not so much of an issue, but if it’s just a routine inspection, pay close attention to how your home looks and feels, not just how clean it is. Take it as an opportunity to de-clutter a little. Get rid of old magazines, clothes and bric-a-brac, and take better advantage of shelves and cupboards. Clear surfaces like tables, desks and bench tops as much as possible. make sure the garbage is taken out and the dishes are cleaned and put away. Open your curtains or blinds and let in as much light as possible, and make your beds. Ideally, you want the property to look as open and spacious as possible, so try and remove anything that makes the place look cluttered.

4. Ensure Gardens are Well Kept

Usually, if you don’t like having a garden, you won’t lease a property with one. But if you have ended up in a property with a garden, it’s worth noting that more and more agencies require you to care for it for the duration of your lease, and will gladly deduct gardening costs from your bond should you let it fall into disarray. So, if you have a garden, ensure you are doing at least the bare minimum to keep it looking lush and inviting. Watering, mowing, weeding and pruning away dead branches is often all it takes to make a messy garden look well kept. Again, don’t leave this to the last minute – spend a day or two bringing everything up to scratch well before your inspection date.

5. Make a Good First Impression

No one wants to make a bad impression. It’s important to remember that an agents job is first and foremost to take care of the owners interests. It is a big risk to allow a stranger into your property and leave them to their own devices for 3-6 months before checking in. This is why it’s important to make a very good first impression on your property manager. Reading this list is a very good place to start, and doing little things like ensuring there are no oil stains or weeds on the driveway, that there are no cobwebs or clutter around your front door and making sure the garbage bin isn’t overflowing are all good ways to make a great first impression.

Property managers are often under a lot of pressure from landlords, and making a good impression on your first inspection is a great way to get your property manager on your side, and can often be the difference between a quick, five-minute inspection and a thirty-minute detailed walk-through.

6. Relocate Your Pets

Pets are one of the most common reasons for tenant evictions in Australia. That being said, a ‘No Pets’ policy often poses little deterrence to pet lovers, and if you’re in this category, there are extra steps you will need to take to ensure a trouble-free inspection. First of all, relocate your furry friend(s) a few days before your inspection to make sure there are no residual pet smells around. Clean sliding glass doors, remove any pet toys from the property and get the carpets steam cleaned if necessary. Just remember that if your lease does not allow for pets, and your property manager suspects there are animals kept on the premises, you may find yourself with more frequent inspection notices, and if you are caught, even an eviction notice, and no one wants that. If your agreement allows pets, make sure they are secured; no property manager enjoys dealing with barking or jumping dogs.

A Note on Pets: When a landlord hands over their property to a manager, they will be given a checklist asking what they will and won’t allow. It’s easier and safer for them to tick a box saying ‘no pets’ than to run the risk of pets damaging their investment. So, if you know your pet won’t be causing any issue, it’s worth asking your agent for an exception because they are well trained, etc. And if you already have an illegal pet living with you and you want to make the arrangement legitimate, try telling your agent that a family member will be travelling overseas and wants you to look after their pet. test the water without committing to anything. You may find that the landlord will decide in favour of your case as it’s easier than finding a new tenant.

7. Identify Maintenance Issues

The silver lining of the rental inspection process is that they also serve as a platform for you to raise the concurs you have as well. Make the most of the opportunity and write a list of anything you feel needs attention. Many inspection notices will also include a maintenance request form, which you can use to formally request maintenance issues to be rectified. Structural issues like leaking roofs, broken handles, and plumbing or electrical problems are usually the responsibility of the landlord, while simple things like garden maintenance, replacing light bulbs and carpet stains are usually up to the tenant to take care of. Laws and regulations will vary from state to state and country to country, but generally the State Tenancy Board (or similar) requires maintenance repairs to be carried out with in thirty days of notification.

Rental inspections don’t need to be stressful. They can be a great opportunity to spring clean, de-clutter and get things fixed or updated. At the end of the day, most inspections are over in just a few minutes and most managers just want to be assured you are looking after the landlord’s investment.

If you’d like us to take the pain out of cleaning your home prior to your rental inspection, you can read more about our services here: End of Lease Cleaning. Mention this article and get a 10% discount.

Controlling Millipedes in Adelaide

When I first landed in Adelaide three years ago, I had no idea what a millipede was – in fact when I first picked one up, I found them a little fascinating – little did I know what a pest they are to South Australian families. Today I find myself waging war against the armies of millipedes invading in droves, and this is not only something I notice in my own home.

Control Millipedes in Adelaide AMS

Millipedes are harmless, in fact, they may well be the most useless creature to walk our earth today – They are detrivores, which means they eat only dead and decaying plant matter, they can’t bite, poison or in any way harm human beings (or any other living animal for that matter), they can live for up to seven years and lay up to 300 eggs at any one time. So it seems that the only real purpose for these 400 legged, gravity defying little buggers is to annoy YOU. Now I’m not particularly fond of killing these unwanted guests, and I’m also not into surrounding my home with dangerous pesticides, I’d rather just ask nicely and keep them out. Prevention is always better than a cure.

So I thought I’d gather all the best information available, test it, rate it, and compile everything together here for you to use as you wish.

Keep Them Out. ($) 5/10

If millipedes can’t get in, they can’t be a problem, right? Right. This method will work particularly well in newer homes where millipedes are coming into the home from outside, rather than those born in the home. Walk around the outside of your house with some sealant and a caulking gun, and get to work. Seal up any cracks in the foundation and around any cables, wires, and plumbing that enter the house. Take your time with this, these little buggers can get in anywhere! At the very least this is going to be a good move for the maintenance of your home, and you’ll be actively keeping out many more harmful creepy crawlies. It’s also a good idea to install door sweeps and foam door seals – these can be found at your local hardware store, and at a very reasonable cost.

Control The Weather Inside. ($$) 9/10

Controlling the humidity in your home can be a highly effective method of ridding your home of millipedes. Most South Australian homes already have a heating system installed (fireplaces, reverse cycle and gas heating systems are all very effective) so this can be a simple and cost effective solution. Essentially, Millipedes can only live in a relatively humid environment – so turn your home into Mars. This doesn’t mean you need to have your heater cranked all winter, it just means that keeping it on at a low setting at the beginning of the cooler months so that the humidity in your home stays very low. No humidity, no millipedes, simple. Also make sure you don’t have any leaky plumbing in the walls, ceilings, or under sinks. Move furniture around to find their nice, damp little hidey-holes.


Control The Weather Outside ($$) 9/10

This is a bigger ask, because the Rain Dance is unreliable technology really, but there are things you can do. Start with the gutters. A common misconception is that millipedes live and breed under ground – this was the case 50 million years ago when we lived in caves – they too have opted for the more modern option of housing. Because millipedes survive in cold, damp, dark areas, a blocked gutter filled with decaying leaves is heaven! Make sure they are collecting and diverting water correctly. If rainwater is dripping down from anywhere it’s not supposed to, get it fixed asap – we can clean your gutters too, remember. Also, make sure that the gutters coming down from the roof divert the water as far away from the house as possible. Finally, if you must water your lawn, do so in the morning so that it’s dry by afternoon. Millipedes are nocturnal.

Take Away Their Food Sources. ($) 5/10

Remove their food, and they’ll move on to the next house, decreasing the numbers you’ll find in your home. Try to avoid using mulch in your gardens. At the very least, reduce the amount of it. Mulch does a fine job of holding onto moisture. Try digging wood ash (from fireplaces, etc) into the ground where you see millipedes – this acts in a similar way to Diatomaceous earth, and will kill millipedes effectively if you have the time it takes to complete this task. Move woodpiles and compost piles as far from the home as possible. Clear away any and all dead and decaying plant matter including leaves and logs.

Manual Eradication. ($) 5/10

Once they are in they are in and the only way to get them out (dead or alive) is to do it by hand, a simple dustpan and brush will do the trick just fine. If that’s too icky for you get the vacuum and, well you can work out the rest.

So you have had it with trying to control millipedes in your home and you want to pull out the big guns, read on. For the most part, millipedes are completely harmless. That said, there have been a few rare cases of people suffering reactions to the humble species. The biggest issue most people have to worry about is that when millipedes die, they tend to have a rather off-putting odor (you won’t notice this when it is the odd one or two, but when there are hundreds, you’ll certainly notice!). Also, be careful when squashing them – they will leave a stain on carpets and rugs.

The Millipede Trap. ($$) 8/10

Attract, catch, kill, dispose! The Millipede Catcher is Environmentally friendly and made from recycled plastic. It is simple and convenient to use. Functional in all weather with 12 volt safety…” Click the link here to read the rest. Taken directly from the Perth based suppliers website. They sell a set of four for $70.00 + Postage. Seems a good, naturally effective idea for garden usage, but possibly a little impractical for indoor use.

If you’re still reading this, you’re probably waiting to learn how to kill millipedes with commercial products, or biological weaponry. Luckily for you, there are a number of products available. Most of these can be found online, though pest control companies, and local gardening stores may stock these products also.

Diatomaceous earth. ($$) 8/10

This natural wonder works very well for killing Millipedes. Diatomaceous earth is made up of thousands of little fossilized diatoms (single celled organisms) that just happen to be extremely sharp. When a millipede wanders through the stuff, it is inflicted with numerous little cuts that cause it to dehydrate and die. Permaguard Garden Insecticide (active ingredient diatomaceous earth.)

Coopex. ($$) 10/10

This one is a little more harsh, but very effective and easy to apply. This will protect your home against ants, bedbugs, carpet beetles, clothes moths, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, silverfish, houseflies, mosquitoes, biting flies, hide beetles and seed harvesting ants, in addition of course, to Millipedes. This is readily available at Bunnings stores, remains active for 4-6 weeks, and can be used inside the home as well as outside.


An important point to remember here is that Millipedes do not behave as insects; Ants for instance, live in colonies and it is relatively simple to kill off an entire nest. Millipedes live solitary lives and therefore there is no way to permanently eradicate them from your home, and although there are ways to kill them, there is no known way (short of combinations of the solutions above) to deter them from your home. The best you can hope for is to control their immediate population.

UPDATE – Tuesday April 26th, 2011

Shortly after this post went live, we were made aware of another alternative solution to the Millipede problem. The information below is, in part, derived directly from Bug Central, and in no way connected to AMS.

In the early 1990’s, South Australian researchers discovered a particular breed of nematode could be used to naturally cull the infestations of millipedes plaguing Australian homes. There is a plethora of scientifically based information on this, but here are the facts:

How Nematodes work:

-Nematodes are microscopic parasitic worms which can affect all manner of bugs and plants. The species in question however, will affect only the Portuguese Millipede common to SA.

-Essentially, Millipede eats Nematode – Nematode chews its way through Millipedes gut – Nematode replicates inside Millipede carcass – Nematode infects Millipedes’ mates – Nematode wins.

A few points of note:

-Due to the biological nature of this solution, this is affective ONLY when Millipede numbers are at an extreme level (if you’re finding only a handful inside your home each day then this solution may be completely ineffective).

-You’ll need to allow 1-2 years at best before you see a notable reduction in the Millipede population.

-You’ll also need to collect 500+ live Millipedes to infect and re-release for this method to be effective.

All in all I think I’d rather keep my home an inhospitable environment to keep the little critters away. Either way, I hope the information above can be of help to some of you.

As always, any advice or suggestions herein are purely for informational purposes and AMS claims no responsibility or credit for the information compiled above.

Cleaning Stainless Steel

One of the most frustrating surfaces to clean in your home is stainless steel; it scratches easily, it’s almost impossible to get a streak free finish, and when you do you’re not allowed to touch it because it’ll look terrible again! Despite what the name may suggest stainless steel needs just as much attention when cleaning as most other household appliances but often requires a different approach. Stainless steel is an alloy of iron which contains a lot more chromium than its peers. This helps form a top protective layer on the steel and accounts for stainless steels durability and resistance to rusting, corrosion and stains which is one of the biggest appeals of buying a stainless steel product. The trouble most people find with stainless steel appliances however, is how to keep them looking clean as their unique finish seems to draw attention to the frustrating smears and fingerprints that tend to plague these surfaces.

Day to day cleaning can be as simple as mildly soapy water or a household antibacterial cleaner and this standard of routine cleaning is beneficial as the protective layer that prevents corrosion from occurring is hindered if there is dirt or food build up blocking oxygen from interacting with the steel. In fact the more you clean stainless steel the better, and you can actually help improve how chemically resistant your appliance is by wiping it down frequently which is not the case with wood or plastic!

Overtime however, your appliances can become dull through normal use. You can easily bring back their showroom shine by using various store bought solvents (glass cleaners tend to do a good job -just make sure they do not contain chlorine as an ingredient). You’ll find numerous online “household solutions” to cleaning stainless steel, but a specialised product will always do the best job, because a good quality stainless steel cleaner will contain a final finish which will prevent finger prints, dust and grease. Ultimately, no matter what product you choose, the most important part of creating a clean, streak free finish is polishing. Always use a dry, high quality cloth (eg. clean microfibre cloth) to polish in a circular motion until no streaks remain. Regular cleaning of your stainless steel appliances will ensure that they remain in good condition and last you a very long time.

End of Lease & Exit Cleaning

As a landlord, having tenants move out of your investment home – and getting new ones in – is often a time of great stress and uncertainty, so it is important to understand what obligations you have to your new tenants when it comes to the cleanliness and presentation of your property. This post is designed to help you correctly assess your own property and identify the areas often neglected until it is too late, and also offer solutions to the problems many of you will inevitably face.

The Final Inspection

This is where you can save yourself a great deal of time, by simply being as thorough and particular as your prospective future tenants will be. You wouldn’t want to move into a house boasting kitchen drawers littered with bread-crumbs; an oven caked with the oil of a thousand roasts; tarnished door-knobs or windows left looking like the side of a weekend 4WD, so why would anyone else? These are just a few of the things to look for when you are doing the final walk through – they are also some of the most common things tenants miss when “cleaning” the property for the last time.

Minimizing Losses

There is no worse feeling than to have a property vacated, only to then realise what state it was really in – after you’ve returned the tenant’s bond! This makes it even more stressful because it’s money you need to spend and it has to come from your own pocket. All the more reason to make sure your final inspection is done with a fine tooth comb. Often simply calling a cleaning company and getting a quote sent to you, will be enough to claim any cleaning expenses on the property bond.

To Clean or Not to Clean?

Having your property professionally cleaned will help to minimise the time the property is left empty, but it will also allow you greater scope in your asking price – an immaculately cleaned property will always fetch a higher rate than one simply left as the previous tenants left it, so it makes sense to call in the professionals!

Choosing the Right Cleaning Company

How do you choose a cleaning company that is right for the job? This is in fact far easier than you may think, but there are a few key points to look out for.

  • Do Not choose a company which “specialises” in move out cleaning – often they aren’t specialised in anything at all. It is better to choose a company with a strong standing in the field of regular weekly or fortnightly cleaning – this says they are as committed to providing impeccable service for your once-off vacate clean as they are to their regular clients.
  • Do choose a company that offers a guarantee. And not a simple “Satisfaction Guaranteed” gimmick, but a guarantee that the company stands by, and a guarantee system that dictates what happens, should you be less than impressed with their work.
  • Do Not simply settle for the elderly lady at the end of the street who charges you $15/hr – you will regret cutting this corner very rapidly should she injure herself whilst on your property.
  • Do choose a company which is fully insured and whose staff have current federal police clearances. It is simply too big a risk to not demand this.
  • Do Not choose a company based on price alone – The spectrum of quality in the cleaning industry is vast, and you will usually get exactly what you pay for.
  • Do ask whether the company has any affiliation with real estate companies, i.e. does the company do move out and end of lease cleaning on a regular basis for an existing client? If they do, it is a sure bet they will exceed your expectations and deliver the results needed.
  • Do ask exactly what the company can do for you, and do ensure they will deliver on what you need.
  • Do choose a company that is in the public eye. It may seem irrelevant, but a cleaning company with a presence on social networking sites is a very strong indication that they are worth every penny because these networks are very feedback driven, and as such, their reputation is always at stake. Surf sites like Facebook and Twitter and if they aren’t anywhere to be seen, then don’t bother with them at all.
At the end of the day, most property investors will choose the service providers which best suit their needs. I hope this post has been helpful to you. Please feel free to post any questions or comments you may have below.

Window Cleaning in Adelaide

Window Cleaning – it’s the job you love to hate, the job no one ever wants to do, and the fact of the matter is that it can often be a very tedious and dangerous task, especially if you (like so many modern home owners) have high, hard to reach windows. Often the only way to reach these windows is by setting up shaky scaffolding or purchasing expensive extension poles and scrubbers, neither of which really make your job any easier, as correctly cleaning glass can take years of experience to master. So the question is, “Why waste time and money, and risk your own safety, when you can call a professional to do the job for you?”

This guide will hopefully show you some of the reasons why people do choose to use a professional window cleaner, but more importantly, detail some of the most important things to take note of when shopping around for your own window cleaner.

A Little Background
Glass is not flat. Under a microscope, it has a very rigid surface, much like an incredibly fine sandpaper. This means that dust and dirt fill these surfaces and we aren’t even aware! This is why you will never achieve a crystal clear finish by spraying and wiping your windows with newspaper, rags or even high quality microfibre cloths – not to mention the tiresome strain of polishing windows with dirt!

But first off, Why? Why spend your hard earned money on a professional when you can do it yourself?

  • It will actually get done! Cleaning windows is a job that most people put off, often for years – every day dust, grit and grime will build up on windows, dramatically affecting the appearance of your home, and the appearance of the world outside for anyone looking out! This is not as simple a problem as many people imagine it to be – see below for more details as to why windows should be cleaned at the very least two or three times per year.
  • If you have chosen your window cleaner correctly, you will get a far better result via their skills and cleaners than you could yourself – even if you spent three times as long!
  • Chances are that if you are two stories up on a ladder, desperately stretching for that last top corner and gravity gets the better of you, your insurer won’t really care at all that you can’t work for six months. Using a professional means your safety is not compromised, and neither is your bank account.

But how do you choose a window cleaning company that is right for you? Sadly, it’s often a last minute decision because you’re selling your home, or you’re about to get that dreaded inspection by your landlord, so you simply go with the first window cleaner who picks up the phone, and rarely get the results you really need. The list below will hopefully help you in making an informed choice the next time you’re looking for a window cleaner.

Technique & Equipment
Most window cleaners today will be using the correct equipment and techniques, however it is important to make sure exactly how your they will be working. Ask them how they go about cleaning high windows and what equipment they find is best for the job. Unger, Wagtail and Ettoré are by far the most reputable brands in the industry, and any cleaner using anything else is simply not in the game.

Price & Quality
Just as with general house cleaning, you may call three different window cleaners and get three varying quotes – This comes down to the quality of the service you’ll receive, the costs to the cleaner and of course the time taken to complete the work. Rarely will the most expensive quote give you the clearest windows, just as the cheapest quote won’t always do the worst job. At the end of the day, choose a cleaner you trust in your home, that arrives on time, that appears professional and fully equipped, and most importantly, you like.

A cleaner (or company) who is serious about their work, will be using their own high grade chemicals. Professional window cleaners don’t require an array of chemicals to clean your windows. Generally a mixture of a light, environmentally friendly soap and an acidic component will do the best job, and less suds are better. Any window cleaner who uses copious amounts of soaps and chemicals is simply unprofessional.

What’s Included
Many window cleaners will not wipe down framing, dust or wash flyscreens, and some won’t even clean the inside of your windows. These are all things you’ll need to ask your cleaner whether they take care of. If they don’t tick all the boxes, find someone who does, even if it means paying more.

High Windows
As I mentioned above, many new homes are built with beautiful, high windows as they allow for extraordinary lighting affects in your home, the trouble is that your architect will rarely consider how awkward they will be to clean. Often this leaves you with no choice but to call in a professional, only to have them say they can’t do the job when they arrive because their equipment simply can’t handle the work. A good window cleaner can effectively clean the windows on a three story home from the ground without even reaching for a ladder. When you’re looking for the right person for the job, make sure you ask about their limitations too.

Individuals or Teams
Depending on the angle of the sun and the treatment of the glass, often a window cleaner cannot actually see marks on the glass from the outside, and is therefore forced to move from inside to outside to ensure all marks are cleared. Having two cleaners present for the job (one inside and one outside) means the work is done in a third of the time (saving you precious $$$!) When you call for a window cleaner, ask whether they have an option to send out a team of two cleaners for no extra cost. Rarely they will.

Geographical Area
This post is entitled “Window Cleaning in Adelaide” for a reason. In the northern states, moisture levels in the air mean it is often less dusty – The seasons are a little different in the southern states, and with the dry dust always in the air, windows can become filthy very quickly, and when that dust sits too long, it can stain (and even scratch) your windows (not something easily fixed). Ensuring the window cleaner you choose knows about the special needs of windows in the Southern States is vital.

Hopefully this checklist will help you in making an informed decision about what services will suit you the best. For more information on the Window cleaning services provided by Acclaimed Maintenance Services, please call us on 0403 271 741 or simply post a reply to this thread and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

What Should I Expect to Pay a Cleaner?

How much you should pay for a cleaner is completely up to you. You can find cleaners who charge the bare minimum, and those who charge an arm and a leg in comparison, this is because there are a number of things to take into consideration, and unfortunately most of us don’t really know how to weigh up the pros and cons of each.

Below I have listed the most important factors to take in to account when hiring a cleaner, the more boxes you tick here, the better their work will be, the safer you’ll feel with them in your home, and chances are you’ll pay more for their services.

– Police Clearances
Any respectable cleaner will carry this with them, and anyone who does not, doesn’t take their business/job/clients seriously and you shouldn’t even consider allowing them into your home. Insurance companies are becoming more strict on this as well, in many cases they simply will not cover you if you use cleaners (or any tradespeople) without sufficient clearances.

– Insurances
This should also be a given, so make sure it is one of the first questions you ask. It is the cleaners (or their company’s) responsibility to ensure they are covered by public liability insurance. As much as you may love the old lady who comes in to clean once a week, you will be held responsible if your 200kg television drops on her foot. An accident like that severely outweighs the $15/wk you pay for her to come in, and accidents do happen!

– Chemicals
A cleaner (or company) who is serious about their work, will be using their own high grade chemicals, not your super market purchases. Professional cleaners will generally use a great deal more chemicals to get a job done properly. It is faster and gives you a better result therefore, cleaners should also be using environmentally friendly chemicals wherever possible. Any cleaner who tells you they don’t use them because they don’t work as well, simply doesn’t know their industry well enough and is lying to you.

– Image & Supplies
How do they look when they arrive at your door? A company serious about their image, ethics and workmanship will ensure employees are uniformed, have a company van and all the supplies they will need for the job. Is their quote scribbled out on a piece of paper or business card, or have they gone to the effort to send out a personalised printed copy? The company should also have an easily accessible website with all their details published.

– Testimonials & References
This can be a sure-fire way of finding out more about the company, through the customers’ eyes. Ask whether they can supply you with testimonials from past clients, either in writing or on their website. If they can’t, keep looking.

– Experience
This is a tough one. A company may have been around for ten years and can say they have ten years experience, yet their employees are different every month because they are not experienced at all. Make sure you speak to someone who knows their stuff.

– Individuals or Teams
Depending on the size of your home (the job), the company may choose to send out an individual cleaner or a team of two (or more). If you are given the choice, hire the team – they will get the job done in a fraction of the time and be out of your way. You pay a little more, but they will get the job done faster and the results will be impeccable.

– Quoting & Billing
This is also an interesting question. Many companies bill per hour, others bill per room, and others bill per job, some even bill per square metre!. All of these are viable billing methods, but because of the nature of the industry, you are best off choosing a company that bills per job. You won’t be left wondering why it can take two hours one week and three hours the next, and if they charge only $25/hr, they will often drag it out an extra 30 minutes just to make more money.

Agency, Company, or Independent Cleaner

Certainly another important aspect of choosing a cleaner is whether they work for an Agency, a Company, or whether they are an Independent cleaner. So here is the low-down:

– Agencies work by simply contracting individuals to work under their name – the cleaner doesn’t need to worry about marketing, advertising, insurance, or client retention. However, they get paid for this at rates as low as $15/hr, while you are paying upwards of $30/hr so naturally this means their work ethic and enthusiasm is often non-existent.

– An independent cleaner can often charge what they like and it all goes into their pocket; the trouble here is that they often cannot offer insurance, reliability, or even their own equipment or chemicals.

– A cleaning Company however, is in another league. When you hire a cleaning company like Acclaimed for instance, to come into your home, you can rest assured that you will get beautiful results at a reasonable price, the chemicals used will be 100% environmentally friendly and 100% our own, as will the state-of-the-art equipment. And you’ll be able to take comfort in the knowing you have hired a fully insured and police cleared team, all the while supporting a 100% South Australian owned and operated Business.

Ultimately, people will choose cleaners for their own, unique reasons, but hopefully this list will help you to choose a cleaner who is right for the job, and right for you.